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Mar 20, 2018 - You probably use your computer to consume on-demand TV shows. Kodi is free but has a slightly more complicated setup, while Plex has. And macOS devices—in fact, it can share live television with other devices as well. ShareTV is a community-based website for fans of network television. Watch full episodes of some of your favorite TV series. We have every show you can think.

You might think of YouTube as merely a place for snack-sized videos, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you know where to look, and how to watch, YouTube can be a serious and substantial entertainment resource—that costs nothing. In this article you will learn how to find YouTube’s quality longform content, from concerts and stand-up specials to full-length movies and documentaries. You’ll also learn how, with the right tools, you can even string shorter YouTube videos—such as comedy skits, educational videos and late-night TV bits—into marathon viewing sessions. Plus, we offer tips on how to enjoy YouTube content in a manner befitting your living room.